
Showing posts from March, 2018

Statement of intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of you chosen brief? (400 words) Magazine 1 -Winter magazine -typography(colours and fonts) -blue, white, male magazine Magazine 2 -autumn/ summer maagzine -men or women -women(appealing to men, flesh showing) Contents 1 Contenets2 For media studies I have chosen to do a magazine front covers and contents pages. My target audience is aimed at males in particular as there are already many magazines in the media industry that are designated for females and dedicated to them. The main genre of the magazines will be fashion as it is very popular in the media industry and there are many ranges of them that you can compare them too. In both of my magazines I will use a range of ethnicities and people from cultural backgrounds to avoid any discrimination complaints. In the first magazine the genre and target audience is mostly males. Due to the ...

Post 6

Post 6  – Institution research: What type of media products do they produce? (print, audio visual, audio, online). What type of company is it? (independent? Does it have a parent company? Is it a subsidiary company?  Is it an int ernational company?  Is it a cross media company?  Is it a commercial company or a public service? What is the ethos/mission statement/values of the company?  How does this reflect on the company’s work?   How can you incorporate these values/ethos/mission statement into your idea? Recommended software: Padlet, Poplet. cross media company- Cross-media marketing is a form of cross-promotion in which promotional companies commit to surpassing traditional advertisement techniques and decide to include extra appeals to the products they offer. international company- an  international  business  company  or  international  business  corporatio...

Post 5

Post 5    How is media theory used in 2 media products and how these make the text appealing to an intended audience? Recommendation: A podcast? A YouTube video? Powtoon? Firstly, a media theory refers to the complex of social-political principles which organise ideas about the relationship between media and society. One way that a magazine promotes the link between media and society is including a lot of information which is relevant for society and their interests. They will include gossip and news updates as well as celebrities which society and people in society will be interested in as well as younger parts of society. F urthermore another point is i n terms of the relationship between media and society, these observations raise questions about different critical approaches, as well as about ideological positions. On the one hand, Western beliefs in democracy and freedom of choice support ideas about a free market and visions of a plurality of media and t...

Post 4

Post 4   How combinations of  media language  elements are used to create meaning and construct  representations  that address and appeal to an intended audience?  Choose 2 media texts of the main texts from the brief you’ve chosen. You should be prepared to analyse the distinctive media language elements appropriate to the brief chosen, listed below: Moving image (television/music video) as part of a cross-media brief: Camerawork Editing Soundtrack Mise en scène. Radio as part of a cross-media brief: use of music use of voice use of sound effects. Magazines as part of a cross-media brief: Layout Typography Use of language Use of images title font colours used ALL STUDENTS SHOULD UNDERTAKE THE RESEARCH BELOW: Choose 1 example of a website from one of the media texts you looked at previously. Online media as part of a cross-media brief: Layout Navigation Use of language Use of i...

Post 3

Post 3   How and why is  intertextuality  employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience? magazine TV posters newspapers Recommended software: Pallet, popplet, any other mind map app… goconqr. intertextuality is known as the relationship between texts, especially certain literacy ones. One main fact a bout this magazine which makes it appeal to certain audiences is due to the colours, genders, types of text used and types of fashion involved. For example, the main cover includes a picture of a man, rather young but in his 20's and styled in fashionable clothing. The main factor which makes certain audiences attracted and interested in this magazine is the style of the model, he looks well kept, neat and fashionable. Most importantly the model looks as though he is a business man with independence, control of his life and perhaps middle class. Therefore many audiences, especially an aspirational audience would be a...

Post 2

Post 2   Genre  research:  How are genre conventions used in 2 media products? Choose 2 examples within the 2 media texts you’ve chosen. media products: TV, magazine Recommended software: PowerPoint, Prezi, emaze. Within this magazine the model promotes fashion as her clothes are revealing and fashionable. She also poses in a very dramatic way which could attract many different types of audiences such as models aspiring to be like her and males who are attracted to her. The use of the colours pink for the title of the magazine and also some sub-headings shows slight femininity in 

Post 1

Post1 Magazine brief: When and what was the first magazine ever created? The first ever magazine that was published was in America in 1741,  The Gentleman's Magazine, first published in 1731, in London was the first general-interest magazine. Edward Cave, who edited The Gentleman's Magazine under the pen name " Sylvanus Urban ", was the first to use the term "magazine," on the analogy of a military storehouse. When and what was the first fashion magazine published? America's First Fashion Magazine. The issues discussed in the first issue of Harper's Bazar are not different from concerns of twenty-first century women. The magazine cover of the first issue published on  November 2, 1867 , was quite different from the cover on stands today. When and what was the first fashion magazine to go online? Fashion's website was first launched in the summer of 2000. In 2008, the brand made two significant efforts to expand their o...

History of Magazines (men)


History of Magazines (women)
