Statement of intent
How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of you chosen brief? (400 words) Magazine 1 -Winter magazine -typography(colours and fonts) -blue, white, male magazine Magazine 2 -autumn/ summer maagzine -men or women -women(appealing to men, flesh showing) Contents 1 Contenets2 For media studies I have chosen to do a magazine front covers and contents pages. My target audience is aimed at males in particular as there are already many magazines in the media industry that are designated for females and dedicated to them. The main genre of the magazines will be fashion as it is very popular in the media industry and there are many ranges of them that you can compare them too. In both of my magazines I will use a range of ethnicities and people from cultural backgrounds to avoid any discrimination complaints. In the first magazine the genre and target audience is mostly males. Due to the ...