Post 3
Post 3
How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?
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intertextuality is known as the relationship between texts, especially certain literacy ones.
One main fact about this magazine which makes it appeal to certain audiences is due to the colours, genders, types of text used and types of fashion involved. For example, the main cover includes a picture of a man, rather young but in his 20's and styled in fashionable clothing. The main factor which makes certain audiences attracted and interested in this magazine is the style of the model, he looks well kept, neat and fashionable. Most importantly the model looks as though he is a business man with independence, control of his life and perhaps middle class. Therefore many audiences, especially an aspirational audience would be attracted to this as they will want to be like him and read the magazine just to learn how he is so successful and confident. This also links to the fact that he is wearing very neutral colours which relate to him looking smart as well as casual and a modern day man. The use of the quote 'shoes shell notice' shows that they want to attract women and its almost their main purpose of wearing what they're wearing and how they look is all for women. The use of this makes the ideal audience confident that being like this man, the role model shows they'll buy the magazine to know where perhaps his clothes are from and how he thinks for the main goal of the magazines purpose. The use of the pose and the way his facial expressions looks so neutral yet intimidating makes a refference to a movie poster of 'green street hooligans' which makes him look reckless and like a typical guy. Also, the use of the quote 'playing sround with justin timberlake' shows theyre treating him as though he is the typical schoolboy.

intertextuality is known as the relationship between texts, especially certain literacy ones.
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